But what matters is that at that age a boy's body is functioning just like a man with equal desires and hormones affect all boys at the same age. But that is something totally different and so far non present. I don't get that at all and that if one day he tells us that he is gay then all my support and love for him.
Our son doesn't even talk about girls and my wife tells me that his friends are the same and more into videos and other things and not too worry that he is not gay. And trust me when it comes for us in most of Europe to see nudity as something very natural at the beach, tv, pools, parks etc, as not a big deal I am very open minded. But again my European education was quite different than the USA education or mentality. I grew up in Spain and I rarely slept with any of my guy friends pass the age of 8 or 10. My wife thinks is OK for 14 yrs old boys to be sleeping in the same bed and her reasoning is, 'well they all do it.' Finally she ok for us to buy an air mattress for future friends visit over our home. When any of our son's friend do come over to stay they sleep in the same bed.